Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Statistics of Scouting Success

By Bryan Feather, Council Scout Executive

It is a pleasure to address the dedicated volunteers of the Westark Area Council, Boy Scouts of America. I want to thank you for your service to the youth in the Scouting programs and the difference you are making in their lives. The time, talent, and money that you spend on providing a high quality program are definitely paying off. The statistics are indeed impressive as the impact that the scouting program has is measured. In a recent study, Harris Interactive found those who were in Scouts for 5 or more years as a youth were more likely to graduate from high school than non-scouts (91% versus 87%), and more likely to graduate from college (35% versus 19%). Not only are scouts likely to achieve higher levels of education but while in school scouts have better grades. Seventy-five percent of scouts earn B’s or higher compared with sixty-two percent of non-scouts.

Scouting is truly an investment in the character of our youth as well as a contribution to their future success. Among adults who were in the Boy Scouts for 5 or more years, the average annual household income is $80,000 compared with $61,000 for non-scouts. The benefits of scouting are tangible and your participation in this program contributes to the quality of life of more than just those you are working with today. You are having a positive impact that will last for generations.

Congratulations on your participation and the successes you have already achieved. We look forward to the successes that are yet to come and we consider it an honor to serve with you in this phenomenal program.

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