Monday, April 7, 2008

Adult Leaders: Youth Protection Training

EVERY adult leader involved in Prairie Grove Pack 94 is required to complete the Youth Protection Training immediately! Even if you have completed this training in the past, the certificate is time limited and you must be re-certified periodically.

Child abuse is an increasingly serious, widespread problem in society, affecting every ethnic group, socioeconomic level, and geographic area. The significance of this problem is revealed by the nearly 3 million cases of child abuse reported each year in the United States. The Boy Scouts of America has developed Youth Protection training to prepare its leaders to help children who have been, or are being, abused.

In addition, the BSA has adopted a comprehensive set of policies and procedures to help ensure that Scouting continues to be safe for all participants. Background checks are required for all new leaders, and the Boy Scouts of America will not tolerate any form of child abuse in its program and will take all necessary steps to remove any offenders from membership in the BSA.

Every leader in Cub Scouting should complete Youth Protection training, which is delivered by the district or council. Parents will also find this training valuable. In addition to a thorough review of BSA Youth Protection policies, the training develops an increased awareness of Youth Protection issues.

This course is easily obtained online in a quick to accomplish manner. This course is the first and most important to help adult leaders deliver quality Scouting experiences to youth. A log-in is required, however anyone may create a user account and view the courses. If a leader has any problems or lack of access to a computer, please contact the Charter Reprentative, Mark Martin @ 479-466-7386 and special arrangements will be made to assist in completing this training. Here is the link to the BSA Online Training Center

Once you have completed this training, bring the printed certificate to be placed in your leadership portfolio held by the Charter Representative.


Mark Martin
Charter Representative
American Legion Post 146

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