Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2007-2008 Committee & Contact Information


Cubmaster:Frank Huff846-3979
Secretary:Frankie Rhudy442-2203
Treasurer:Misty Vaughn409-3989
Committee Mbr:Dora Johnson
Committee Mbr:Michael Vaughn409-3414
Tiger Leader:Anna Corsby & Laurie Rae846-4540
Wolf Leader:Misty Vaughn409-3989
Bear Leader:Danielle Huff846-3979
Webelos 1 Leader:Lee Davis846-4984
Webelos 2 Leader:Frankie Rhudy422-2203
Advancements:Danielle Huff846-3979
Charter Representative:Mark Martin846-1889
Chartered Organization:Prairie Grove American LegionPost 146
*****Each Den could use an Assistant Leader*****
(contact the Den Leader or Cubmaster to volunteer)

The Pack Committee meets monthly, times and place can vary. Currently the meetings are the last Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm at Jim’s Razorback Pizza in Prairie Grove. We encourage all parents to attend.

The Pack Committee takes care of the administrative needs of the pack. It is organized and chaired by the Pack Committee Chairperson. Here is some of what is discussed at the meetings:
  • Financial Reports are made (where our money is spent).
  • Monthly Activities are planned for the scouts
  • Den Reports are made (how are our boys doing in advancements)
  • Training notification for Leaders and/or parents.
Any adult who would like to join the committee or become a leader needs to file an "Adult Application" (contact Secretary or Treasurer). Fees will be due at the time of application. A Den Leader must be approved by the committee, however approval is not required for any adult who would like to simply join the committee.

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