Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Welcome Cub Scouts!

Den Meetings
Tuesday’s at 7:00 pm
Middle School Cafeteria

Sometimes other events are scheduled in the cafeteria and we can’t meet there, you will be notified where our new meeting place will be.

Inclement weather policy: If school has been cancelled scouts will be also be cancelled. Please call your Den Leader if you have questions. Den Leader information may be found here.

Cub Scout Motto:

When you see this sign it means:
it is time to be quiet and listen.

The Cub Scout Pack is divided up in small groups called dens who meet weekly under the direction of adult Den Leaders. The Den Leaders are trained parent volunteers.

Den meeting activities include games, handicrafts, food, advancement requirements, outdoor fun, skits and songs. Sometimes work on advancements requires work at home. Family involvement is very important to accomplish all the requirements for the boys to receive their badges.

Den Meetings last approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours. Webelos meetings tend to be longer.

Tiger Cubs must have a parent/guardian at all times. We encourage parents to stay at the meetings and get involved at any age level.

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