Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pack 94 Newsletter - 9/18/2007

Thank You !!!

We would like to send out a special Thank You to everyone who volunteered at the Clothesline Fair.
Your time and effort helped make this fundraiser a success!

Upcoming Events & Volunteer Opportunties

  • Popcorn Fundraiser
         This event is our largest fundraiser of the year! Kick-off will be September 25th. Please come expecting to have loads of fun! Your enthusiasm and motivation are a must as we get ready to... SELL POPCORN!

  • October Campout
         This year's campout will be at Devil's Den State Park. We will be leaving Friday, October 12th at 6:00 p.m. and returning Sunday October 14th.
         Camping fees will be $5 per family and food cost will be $5.00 per adult or child (including siblings) 5 years or older. Cub Scouts and children 4 years and younger will be paid for by the pack.
         If you volunteered at the clothesline fair fundraiser, your camping fees and food cost will be paid for by the pack!

  • Pack Committee Meeting
         Don't have time to be a Den Leader? Would you like to help the pack provide your son with a great scouting experience? Bring your fresh, new ideas to our next Pack Committee Meeting (Adult Planning Meeting)
    Date: September 23, 2007
    Time: 1:00 p.m.
    Place: Jim's Razorback Pizza in Prairie Grove
    • Popcorn Fundraiser Kickoff
    • October Campout
      • Food Committee
      • Camp Committee
      • Camp Activities
Recruiter Badge

Each scout can earn this badge only once while in Pack 94.
  1. Invite a boy to join cub scouts (cannot be a sibling).
  2. The boy must then fill out registration papers (join) and pay registration fees.
  3. The boy must then attend 4 den meetings and 2 pack meetings.
Helpful Websites

District Website: www.razorbackscouts.org - This website is a good source of information on events and activites in Benton, Madison, and Washington Counties.(training, camping, etc.) Prairie Grove Pack 94 is a part of the Razorback District.

Council Website: www.westarkbsa.org - Nestled in the foothills of the Ozarks, the Westark Area Council serves 17 counties in Northwest Arkansas. This website is a good source of information for forms and council calender. The Razorback District is a part of the Westark Area Council.

National Website: www.scouting.org - This is the definitive source for all things scouting. (uniforms, procedures, etc.) The Westark Area Council is a part of the National Council of Boy Scouts of America.

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