Friday, May 8, 2009

Crossover 2009-- IMPORTANT

Due to the weather forecast for this weekend we have some backup plans for Crossover. If it is too rainy to be at the lake on Saturday indoor activities will begin at 10:00 am at the middle school cafeteria, where we usually meet. The dinner begins at 5:00 pm. This is earlier than you were told on Tuesday, so please pass that information along to other scouts. The ceremony will begin at 6:30.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blue & Gold Banquet

Our annual Blue & Gold banquet will be Saturday, February 21, at 6:00pm. It will be at our regular meeting place, in the Middle School Cafeteria. The theme is Scouting in the Old West, and scouts are encouraged to wear western wear. The whole family is invited. Look to this space for updates in the next few days.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Meetings Resume January 6

Our regular Tuesday night den and pack meetings will resume on January 6th at 7:00 pm in the middle school cafeteria. Our pack meeting followed by the committee meeting will be the last Tuesday of the month. We hope to see everyone back and ready to have a great time!